Friday, November 14, 2008


Oh my god, you look so familiar! Did I sleep with you last week?


Did we have sex? You look very familiar. And I was kinda drunk, but I'm pretty sure it’s you.

Uh, I don’t think so

I think we had sex last week. I am so sorry I didn’t call you, I really meant to, but my phone isn’t working, I had a flat tire, and my dog ate my homework, and I really meant to call you. I wanted to tell you how good you were!

(puzzled look)

And I want you to tell your friend that she was really good too! Is she here with you again tonight?

(fuck me eyes)

It's all in the smile and eyes; it really doesn't matter what comes out of your mouth! Hahaha. Women say that they don't fall for pickup lines... they just don't know when they do. You have to be smarter than your prey folks!

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