Monday, March 30, 2009

Damn Fatties

m-dot fattieI was walking through the parking lot at the gym yesterday (that's something you fatties have never done, since your lazy ass drives around for 10 minutes until an upfront spot opens up) when I suddenly heard an enormous fattie guffawing about something. I turned to look and the fattie exclaimed to everyone within earshot:
"Park a little closer why don't you! I guess these people don't want me to be able to get into my car!"
My first thought was, yes, you fat bitch; you should be riding a bike or a broom to the gym instead of driving. But then I noticed that the compact car she was complaining about was parked dead center in it's own space, and our angry fat bitch's car was much closer to the white line. At that point, couldn't hold back my laughter and shot her a condescending look that probably burned 5 pounds of fat off of her enormous ass instantaneously. Her faced turned red and she squeezed her fat-ass through her car door with the agility of a fattie who is still waiting for the jiggling to stop 20 minutes after the end of Zumba! class.

Yes, this fat bitch was parked one spot from the front door in spaces that are clearly marked for carpooling et al. Why do fat people have to be so stupid and lazy?

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