Monday, January 5, 2009

'Sup Sluts

So one of the pussy magnets on my airplane was deferred today. There are 2 others in the triple redundant system, so we were legal to dispatch, with a few procedural caveats. Instead of sitting in my wool covered 3 axis adjustable pilot seat (with double adjustable lumbar support) while passengers boarded, I instead stood at the entrance to the aptly named cockpit and greeted women as they boarded.

It's interesting how people in different regions of the country and world make eye contact and greetings when they are boarding, versus when they are departing. But 'eh, who cares what is going through their minds. All I know is that I get to look at asses when they are boarding and tits when they are exiting.

When they're getting off, it's the MILF's that hold eye contact with me the longest and then make no false pretenses when they scan my well-tailored uniform up and down, often pausing once or twice along the way. I just smile and reciprocate. The younger ladies just look nervous and seem to stare at my crotch so they don't have to make eye contact.

Like I said, only one of the pussy-magnets was deferred. The other two are more than enough.

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