Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fat people is stoopid

I've been doing research on how fat effects the brain. I am trying to understand why fat people are idiots. Is it causation or correlation. I mean, are they fat because they are retarded, or does being fat make them stupid?

I realize that fat people all have low IQ's, but which is the cause and which is a symptom? Simple deduction tells me that since all fat people are stupid, but not all stupid people are fat (and conversely, some skinny people are stupid), it must be varying degrees of stupidity. I'm going to go out on an unscientific limb here, and say that people with a sub 80 IQ are the fatties and people with IQ's between 80 and 100 are the skinny idiots.

EUREKA!!! I'll be damned folks! There is no fat gene, but there is definitely a stupid gene... ALL FAT PEOPLE ARE GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED TO BE IDIOTS. Which is of course, explains why they seem to think there is a fat gene... they are just to dumb to understand their own situation.

In the pussy half of the gym I work out in (that's the half that doesn't have free-weights, chin-up bars, or tricep dip bars), the machines are Cybex Eagles. You probably don't know much about them, but believe me, anyone with an IQ over 80 could figure out that you adjust the seat height while your are sitting in the machine. They have spring loaded dampers and easy to reach handles that allow you to easily adjust the seat position (eg, if you pulled the handle while standing next to the machine, the relatively strong spring would raise the seat).

Well, fat fucks can't figure this out. I have never ever seen a skinny person trying to move the handle one way while trying to push down on the seat with their other hand. Fatties on the other hand fuck it up everytime and I just laugh. I like it when they really get frustrated and start shaking their head, which makes their double chin jowels jiggle.

FATTIE frequently asked questions:

Are fat people intelligent enough to be sentient? My research indicates that the group is centered across the threshold of sentience. Only about 50% of the fat idiots in the world look in a mirror and realize they are fat. The rest just paw at the mirror like a cat and make farting noises.

Why do only fat people think there is a fat gene? Well, no fatty in the history of modern medicine has been intellectually capable of understanding genetics, so they demonize things they don't understand. They beat all of the fat guys named Gene to death with turkey drumsticks, so now it's some sort of abstract idea that there is one more fat Gene left to beat.

Why do fatties take "dance" class at a gym instead of a ballroom?
Normal ballrooms aren't designed to handle that kind of weight.... it would warp the hardwood floors.

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