Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Show me sub 10% body fat on a woman and I'll show you a woman who doesn't have hail-damaged thighs. Such women do exist, and many of them get paid a lot of money to have pictures taken of them. Oh, and their thighs don't touch when they put their knees together either. Hint hint.

Don't worry about genetics and excess subcutaneous fat's relationship connective tissue. Excess subcutaneous fat is the root problem. Just get rid of the root problem and you won't have to worry about it's complications.

Who has it? Fatties
How to get rid of it? Cut body-fat until it goes away. There is no other solution.

There is only one way for you to cut bodyfat: Burn more calories than you consume, every day, until you reach your body-fat goals. Do the math on the right side of the equation to find out how many calories you should consume each day

TargetDailyCaloricIntake = DailyCaloriesBurned - ((TotalPoundsToLose*3500)/NumberOfDaysUntilYouAren'tFat)

So you ask, "just how many pounds do I need to lose before I start looking sexy?"
I have two-part answer for that:

1. If you know what your bodyfat percentage is and thus your lean mass, you would probably already know the answer.

Since I have time to burn right now, i'll educate the rest of you:
a.) Subtract your fat mass from your current weight to find your lean mass
CurrentWeight - (CurrentWeight*CurrentBodyFatPercentage) = LeanMass

b.) Find your goal weight by multiply your lean mass times the 10% bodyfat goal

LeanMass*(1.10) = Goal

c.) Subtract your goal from your current weight to find out how many pounds you want to lose

CurrentWeight - Goal = TotalPoundsToLose

2. Since you don't already know your bodyfat percentage, just burn 500 calories more per day than you eat until your cellulite disappears.This means you will be hungry. Get over it. Lean to love the hunger as you enjoy the pain of a hard workout.

If you ever feel full, you have eaten too much. Try not to have any meal more than 400 calories at a time. I'll make another blog post soon about timing caloric intake and energy balance.

Science has the answers, not Cosmo. Actually, having concrete numbers in your head makes this a lot less abstract and doing the math will help give you concrete goals. With exact and meaningful goals, you can benchmark your progress. People like me can provide support, but to make it happen you have to have internal motivation. The only motivating force that a stranger like me has to offer is ridicule. Fat is ugly. Don't be fat. If you have cellulite you are FAT. Realize that, and you'll find your internal motivation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is even hard to go to the store for brown rice and whole wheat pasta because of the fatties.